Thursday 17 January 2013

Reader, I blogged!

Reader, I have finally started my blog!

My first New Years Resolution was to finally start publishing blog entries that I've been brainstorming and drafting since I had the idea to start a blog at the beginning of December. Sadly, this means that a few of my ideas for blog posts are now a little "out-of-date" (e.g. a review of a wonderful play I saw at Ovalhouse called Unbroken Line. Luckily for you, the friend who took me to see it has written a great review that can be found here). But it's never too late, and here I am.

I love reading.
I've been lucky enough to be surrounded by books my whole life.

A TINY section of my Bookshelf. I have WAY too many Art books to fit in one photo!

My mum was a Librarian and so as a child I went to the library on a regular basis and was quite an ambitious reader [I remember trying to read Great Expectations at the age of 9. I didn't get very far but I remember pressing the cover up to the car window on the way to school to show off to the people outside. LOOK. I AM ONLY 9 AND I AM READING THIS BIG BOOK. Funnily enough I actually hate Dickens, especially since being forced to study it at GCSE and have never read anything by him since!]

I started working at the Library myself as Saturday job whilst still at sixth form [obviously studying English Lit!] and, despite graduating from uni in summer, I still work there now.

Working at the library is part of what inspired me to write this blog. I really missed reading novels at uni. My course (I studied History of Art) was very intense and I had too many other academic books that I needed to read. Doing a degree taught me that no matter how much you've read, you have never read enough! This was reinforced by going back to work at the library. Being around shelves and shelves of books everyday, and everyday discovering new books and new authors that you've never heard of and suddenly want to try, it made me realise that I would never be able to read them all in my lifetime. That made me really sad, but it also made me realise that I definitely wouldn't be able to read as many as I wanted if I stood there moping about it!

So, since I've started reading again I am trying to read a diverse selection of books, but also read some classics, as I used to be dead set against them and have come to realise that, like cliches, they are probably classics for a reason! 
This brings me to my second New Years Resolution- to read Jane Eyre [hence the, admittedly, lame blog title. You will also learn that I have an AWFUL sense of humour!] I have wanted to read it for AGES but never got round to.  So far I am enjoying it, but I am not very far in, so watch this space. Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to say when I've finished it. 

I realise this post is getting q.lengthy. I will apologise NOW for I do have a tendency to ramble; I am not very good at being succinct! So, I'll finish with 3 facts about me and what else you can expect from this blog:

1. The last 3 books I read were: 

  • Julius by Daphne du Maurier. 4/5  Rebecca is on my shelf waiting to be read after I finish the Bronte!
  •  The Radleys by Matt Haig. I don't normally read "Vampire" books, I have no intention to EVER read a Twilight novel, but this one handled the theme in an original way. 3.5/ 5.
  • Damage by Josephine Hart

2. My favourite author is Ian McEwan. However, I am very inquisitve and, as I've said, I love to learn new things and explore new genres all the time, and therefore my tastes are always changing- I could never get a tattoo as I'd probably hate it 5 years down the line! I used to be completely enthralled by the Pre-Raphaelites but recently visited that exhibition at the Tate Britain and have become disenchanted with them. Still not sure if it was just teh exhibition that did that. I could write a whole blog post on that exhibition. Maybe I should. I'm rambling again...

3. I am passionate about Art and Music. This blog will also feature posts on Art Exhibitions I visit, [and as I am lucky enough to live in London, there *should* be plenty of those!] Music, Theatre and Art in general. 

Please tune in again for more!
Thanks for reading


1 comment:

  1. I love:

    1. The fact that you've started the blog - hurrah!
    2. The story about you pressing Great Expectations against the window of the car. Adorable. And also the kind of thing I would have done, too.
    3. The title of this post.


