Wednesday 27 March 2013

Photoblog: Architecture of the City of London, or, What I've seen on my ramblings...

Hello Reader,

I have been VERY BUSY the last few weeks, so I must apologise for the lack of post.
However, this means I have seen lots of interesting things, it just means that sadly I haven't had the time to write about them. I very much enjoyed the Manet exhibition at the Royal Academy, so much so that I bought the catalogue. Lots of gorgeous portraits that I would otherwise have never seen. I was hoping to write a post about it, but I fear I won't have the time. However I do have time to share with you some shots I've been taking of various things I've seen in the past few weeks.

As you may know, I've recently started a traineeship in the City of London, and it is a WONDERFUL place to work if you like architecture. There are quirky bits of it EVERYWHERE. From 12th Century churches, to the more famous works of Wren and Hawksmoor, not forgetting the shiny new towers springing up everywhere and even including nice little details on shops and banks. I am often distracted by buildings, and am surprised I haven't walked into many people from looking up all the time. I am very lucky to have a quite decent camera on my phone, so, if I can, I try and capture as many of these details as I can. What I really like about the city is the juxtaposition of the old and the new. Within tiny tiny spaces, one can see something that was built within the last ten years towering above something that, in its day (so probably hundreds of yeasr ago) may have been the tallest building for miles! It's exciting, and if you can't see it for yourself, then allow me...


Temple Church

Temple Church

St Stephen Walbrook

St Stephen Walbrook [by Christopher Wren]

St Anne and St Agnes

The Entrance to Drapers' Hall


You can just about see the Tower of London in the distance...


and thus brings us to the end of my tour... tune in again for [no doubt] more photos of bits of Architecture that i've spotted on my travels!

Thanks for reading



  1. JenJen, I want you to take me around London! This all looks great, and it's the sort of thing I rush past without noticing!



    p.s. Your phone camera IS good!

  2. These are so beautiful! Thanks for the follow by the way (it's @ajbs500)
