Tuesday 23 April 2013

It's Shakespeare's birthday... cocktail o' clock!

Hello Reader!

Spring has sprung! Isn't it wonderful? 

"O, how this spring of love resembleth
The uncertain glory of an April day;
Which now shows all the beauty of the sun,
And by and by a cloud takes all away."

The Two Gentlemen of Verona (I, iii, 84-87)

It's also St George's Day AND Shakespeare's birthday, so to celebrate I thought I would take advantage of the balmy weather and make a summery, fruity, and frankly fabulous cocktail... with a Shakespearean theme! 
Now, I realise that so far on this blog I've written about art, architecture, books and music.... BUT NOT COCKTAILS. Well now the time has come to correct this heinous error.

I present to you... A Midsummer Night's Dream [Jen edition]*

You will need:
Cherry Brandy
Tonic water

High ball glasses [or tall tumblers- I am a great believer in using the correct/ nearest to cocktail glasses]
A blender/ food processor

1. Chop the green tops off the strawberries. If they are big strawberries, use 3 per cocktail, and slice into quarters. If they are small strawberries, use 5 per cocktail, and slice in half. Place in the blender and blend until it looks like a smoothie.

Be careful when using a knife...

Can you tell I only thought to do this blog post AFTER I finished making the cocktail?
2. ALCOHOL TIME. Measure 1 shot [50ml if you're feeling adventurous, 25ml if you're making it for your mum.... which I was] of vodka, and 1 shot [25ml regardless] of cherry brandy into the bottom of the glass.

3. Pour in the strawberry smoothie. Top up with Tonic water [the froth tastes AMAZING].

4. Mix thoroughly with a spoon or a jazzy straw. I like jazzy straws, but I didn't have one to hand this time :(

5. ET VOILA...

Whoops I had already drunk half of it before thinking... maybe I could turn this into a blog post.

It was all A Midsummer Night's Dream!
I hope you try it, if you do let me know. Even my mum liked it... and that's saying something!

Thanks for reading!


* This is called "Jen edition" as the original recipe calls for Strawberry Liquer and Russian tonic... neither of which I could locate after work today in local supermarkets. But the result turned out ok, so do try!

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